Tonye Kabak Brown, a 24 year old Nigerian, former student at Middlesex University in Flic en Flac met a tragic end late Sunday afternoon, September 13 in Pereybère. The young man was returning from an outing on a catamaran with a group of friends. About 50 meters from the beach, he threw himself into the water to swim back to shore. As soon as he arrived he collapsed. First aid was given to him, but in vain. His body was taken to the morgue of the Dr. A.G. Jeetoo Hospital, Port-Louis for an autopsy. The autopsy was performed by Dr. Prem Chamane, Principal, the Police Medical Officer attributed his death to asphyxiation due to drowning.
It was around noon on Sunday, September 13 that this tragedy occurred. The young man had just arrived on the beach after swimming a distance of fifty meters. After having greeted his friends with a hand gesture, he collapsed. The police were alerted and an ambulance from the Emergency Medical Service was called. The personnel on board were only able to pronounce him dead.
Tonye Brown earned his Bsc honors in Business Information Technology and Communication in one year. He had obtained a Resident permit and was working for a private company.
His body was taken to Dr. Jeetoo Hospital for an autopsy. Dr. Sunnassee attributed his death to asphyxiation due to drowning. Samples were taken for toxicological analysis. An investigation has been opened at the police station of Grand-Baie to shed light on the exact circumstances of this tragedy. The father of the victim is arriving in Mauritius this Wednesday, September 15 to take care of the repatriation of his body.
The university has also expressed its sincere condolences to his family.
Another Nigerian student, Tochukwu Alex Nwankpa, 26 years old, suffered a similar tragic fate in Moka on Wednesday, July 14. This young man, a former student of Greenwich University was going to enroll in a Business Management course at Stephen Business School in Quatre-Bornes. He was hit by a van while trying to escape from two dogs that were chasing him. He was seriously injured and was placed on artificial respiration. Alex Nwankpa succumbed to his injuries five days later. His funeral was held in Mauritius on Sunday, July 25.